Saturday, January 8, 2011

21 Day Challange - Day 7 - - - The Pantry!

OK so here we are at day 7 and I'm starting to get the 7day itch... I had to really push myself to get this challenge completed! 
I'm not too bad with our pantry , we try and keep it well stocked and about a year or less ago i did give it a through cleaning chucking out things from '05 and '02... Eeeep! So this challenge was a great way to find out what we really did have in our cupboard and what we didn't . I found out that we have 4 bottles of satay sauce with another 2 in the fridge , 5 bottles of pasta sauce ( which is acceptable because i find i use at least 2 a week due to my slackness) , 6 packets of french onion soup mix and heaps more!
First i took everything out and layed it on the kitchen bench ...OMG... It looked like so much food!!!
Next i sprayed and wiped down the shelves ... i found lots of crumbs and dead rice but no cockroaches!!
Finally i sorted the items into canned, packets and opened goods and put them back on the shelf

Sorry about the way their on the side!

Funnily i found that when you put it all away , you have a lot more space in your pantry and it makes you feel like its empty!


  1. I felt like mine was empty before and after it is stocked. I ended up moving things from other cupboards once I came up with an organization plan. :)

    Great job!
