Saturday, January 15, 2011

21 Day Challange - Day 13 - - - medicine cabinet!

Hello fellow challengers!!!
So i did the easy one first i have an excuse of having a very late one last night and the fact that i will clean the spic cabinet and the fridge tomorrow (before i fill it up again) as penance!!!!!

So this is our medicine cabinet that lives in our bathroom , i found dust on it and i don't think it has been cleaned in the 20 years we have lived in this house. There were dust bunny families all over the place.
So first i took everything out and put it in containers, shelf by shelf, each in a different container. Then i sprayed the hell out of the cabinet! I then wiped it down, sorted through the containers , chucking out ; out of date medicines, creams and dead cockroaches . Then i placed it all back in  neatly!



PS i have found that some people don't like the cleaning and sorting i am doing around the house, mainly my family. Lance freaked out that our pantry was empty because their was so much space and he can't find the towels in the linen cupboard! i just think he should be grateful its clean and get over it, it took a lot of work you know!


  1. looks good! not too sure if my husband likes the organized cupboards either. lol

  2. Looks good. My husband is pretty much in the dog house due to not mentioning anything regarding all the you think he doesn't notice?

  3. Isn't that funny? Guess they were too used to the "old" system! :) Good job!
