Tuesday, January 4, 2011

21 Day Challange - Day 3- - - The Messy Tupperware Cabinets!

I know , i know , 2 challenges in one day is basically impossible for some people , but when you are on holidays like me you can do anything and nothing if you so well please. so this is day 3 ... Attack of the Tupperware i call it! The cabinet was not as bad as it could be because after each Tupperware party when i bring home Tupperware i cull all the cheap Chinese take away containers , anything that doesn't have a lid or a bottom! A small hint is also to go through your Tupperware before each party as they have lifetime grantees and if yours is broken they will sometimes replace it or they can get you new parts for a reasonable price. p.s i have found that limiting Tupperware parties also limits the amount you spend which is essential!



So i didn't use baskets but that's ok because i found out i can see all the containers better when they have lids on them and nothing can hide inside ...AND THE LIDS ARE ON THEM!!! No more lost lids for me !:)

Another Day Another Challenge


  1. You cabinet looks great!

  2. Looking good! I didn't use any baskets either. That's a good idea to keep all the lids on them so everything is together! Keep up the great work!

  3. wow looks much better!! great job.

  4. Incredible! That doesn't even look like the same cabinet. :)

  5. I like keeping lids on too! Otherwise I can't tell which ones are missing lids and it takes longer to find a match when I need one! Great job organizing.
